The effects of natural fertilizers on soil and crops were shared on “Field Day”

The fourth of the "Organic and Organomineral Field Days" hosted by Sütaş was held in Doğanköy, Bursa. The effects of organic and organomineral fertilizers on the soil and crops were shared with the farmers on the Field Day in the wheat application field.
Continuing its activities with the principle of restoring the natural resources it uses to nature, Sütaş held the fourth "Organic and Organomineral Field Days", which it started with the aim of popularizing sustainable agricultural practices and demonstrating the effects of correct fertilizer use by farmers, on Wednesday, July 6, in its application field in Doğanköy, Bursa.
Operating with the "Farm to Table" Integrated Business Model, Sütaş establishes special "application fields" and shares the effects of organic and organomineral fertilizers on soil and crops with farmers. The Field Days, which first started with wheat and continued with corn and sunflower application fields, were held in the wheat application field again this year. The farmers who participated in this special day held in Doğanköy, Nilüfer district of Bursa, received information from experts on the effects of fermented liquid and solid organic and organomineral fertilizers on the soil and product in the wheat application field of 31,500 square meters. Sütaş Group representatives, Bursa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture, Bursa Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, Nilüfer District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Nilüfer District Chamber of Agriculture and many farmers participated in the event.
“50 thousand decares of soil was enriched with natural fertilizer
In his speech at the 4th Organic and Organomineral Field Day, Sütaş Group Energy and Fertilizer Facilities General Manager İlker İhsan Çabukol gave information about the work done so far and drew attention to the fact that they enriched approximately 50 thousand decares of soil by producing a total of 45 thousand tons of organic and 1.636 tons of organomineral fertilizers in 2020. Expressing that nearly 30 percent increase in yield has been achieved with liquid fermented organic fertilizer applications in areas where the organic matter of the soil is insufficient and where irrigated agriculture is not performed, Çabukol also emphasized that organic and organomineral fertilizers improve the quality and aroma properties of fruit, vegetables and fodder plants.
Noting that R&D studies continue in 3 different application fields for 3 products within the scope of the project, Çabukol said, “This year, our project continues in the corn and tomato application field in Bursa Karacabey and in the corn application field in Bingöl. We are planning similar organizations in these fields in September-October, when these products will be harvested. Sütaş creates a unique sustainability model with its environmental, social and economic dimensions by its Integrated Business Model “Farm to Table”. It is also important to show the farmers the effects of organic and organomineral fertilizers on soil and crops by establishing application fields in order to understand how comprehensive this model is.”